Tuesday, September 25, 2018

KCP007 - The LCHF Diet Round Up

KCP007: The LCHF Diet Roundup






Low Carbohydrate Diet – For this podcast, a low carbohydrate diet is any diet that restricts total net carbohydrates to less than 100 – 125 grams per day. Considering that on average a so-called “balanced” American diet generally contains about 300 grams of net carbohydrates per day, 100 – 125 grams seems quite low. What you have to keep in mind is that a low carbohydrate diet is not necessarily a ketogenic diet.


Ketogenic Diet – Is a low carbohydrate, moderate protein, high fat diet in which the total number of carbohydrates consumed in a day keeps you in a state of metabolic ketosis. Generally any diet in which the total number of carbohydrates that you eat in one day is less than 50 grams is considered to be ketogenic, but results will vary depending on the individual. To guarantee that you get in and are able to maintain a state of nutritional ketosis you should try and limit your total intake of net carbohydrates to less than 20 grams per day.


Metabolic Syndrome – Is a combination of conditions that increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, and sudden death. These conditions include: increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Having one of these conditions is not necessarily a problem, but if you have three or more your risk increases dramatically.



The Round Up (Comparison)


As you may have discovered from our previous podcasts, low carbohydrate high fat diets focus on the amount of net carbohydrate that you eat each day, not on the number of calories that you eat. This way of thinking is just the opposite of the many low fat high carbohydrate diets as promoted by companies such as 'Jenny Craig', 'Weight Watchers', 'Slim Fast' and even the American Diabetic Association. These LFHC diets focus more on reducing caloric intake, while increasing energy expenditure also known as theory of 'calories in calories out' (CICO). It is because of the caloric restriction as well as the low levels of daily fat intake that cause people to fail with these LFHC diets. As I may have mentioned before a reduced caloric intake without the satiation power of fat leaves you constantly hungry. It is this constant hunger that drives people to quit these LFHC diets.


Over the last few weeks we have been examining the variety of popular LCHF diets and how they each approach weight loss and blood sugar control from similar, but slightly different perspectives. No matter their individual nuances, these LCHF diets basically promote the same principles. In this episode, we are going to make a quick side by side comparison of The Banting 2.0 diet, The Atkins Diet, The LCHF Diet, and The Paleo Diet.


In order to make as far a comparison as possible, I will be using the recommended daily nutritional goals from page 78 (Table A2-1) of the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Dietary Guidelines For Americans 2015-2020, Eighth Edition. Because I just had my 56th birthday last week, I will be using the guidelines for males 56 to 60 years of age. According to the USDA, the caloric goal for a male 56 years of age is 2200 calories for a sedentary male, 2400 calories for a moderately active male, and 2600 calories for an active male. During this podcast, for examples that require a caloric calculation I will be using the 2,400 calorie goal as recommended by the USDA.


The New Atkins For A New You (No caloric restriction)

The Atkins 20 – 20 grams or less of carbohydrates per day.

The Atkins 40 – 40 grams or less of carbohydrates per day.

The Atkins 100 – 100 grams or less of carbohydrates per day.


Tim Noakes Banting 2.0 Diet:

Restoration Phase (No caloric restriction) – About 50 – 60 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Transformation Phase (No caloric restriction) – My best guess 21 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.


Andreas Eenfeldt's Low Carbohydrate High Fat Diet (No caloric restriction)

Strict Level – 20 grams or less of carbohydrates per day.

Moderate Level – 21 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day.

Liberal Level – 51 to 100 grams of carbohydrates per day.


Loren Cordain's Paleo Diet (22 – 44% carbohydrates, mean average 31% carbohydrates)


1800 Calories (22% carbs) – 99 grams of carbohydrates.

1800 Calories (31% carbs) – 140 grams of carbohydrates.

1800 Calories (44% carbs) – 198 grams of carbohydrates.


2400 Calories (22% carbs) – 132 grams of carbohydrates.

2400 Calories (31% carbs) – 186 grams of carbohydrates.

2400 Calories (44% carbs) – 264 grams of carbohydrates.


Based on an 2400 calorie diet your range of allowed carbohydrates per day on a paleo diet would be 132 to 240 grams. Now, before I get a slew of angry emails regarding the paleo diet, keep in mind that many people who eat paleo will not hit the maximum recommended caloric intake as recommended by the USDA. The satiating power combination of protein and fat (about 60 – 75%) should keep you from feeling hungry, thereby reducing the amount of food you eat naturally. I only use the 2,400 calories as a basis in this example because Cordain gives no clear dietary goals on the number of carbohydrates allowed for his recommended eating program.


Even if you consumed only 1,800 calories at the lowest level of recommended percentage of carbohydrate intake of 22%, you would still be consuming 99 grams of net carbohydrates per day. We know from experience as well as scientific research that this level of carbohydrate consumption will not allow you to enter ketosis. Of all of the LCHF diets we have reviewed, if you are a type 2 diabetic, this is the one diet that I would not recommend if you are attempting to control your blood sugars. While it is low-carbohydrate, the amount of carbohydrate consumption is simply to high to reverse your type 2 diabetes. Having said that, if you are not a diabetic, then the paleo diet is a viable LCHF option to help you lose weight.


As you can see all of these LCHF diets have a level in which the number of carbohydrate restriction can an will put you in a state of metabolic ketosis. The levels or phases are generally temporary in order to help you lose weight. Once you have met your goal, you transitions to a higher level of carbohydrate consumption. The one exception as I mentioned, is the paleo diet, which uses the theory of the thermic effect of food, verses ketosis to help you lose weight.


So how do these LCHF diets compare with a typical American diet, The USDA dietary guidelines, and those recommended, the American Diabetic Association? That's what we are about to find out...



Typical American Diet (49% carbohydrates)

3600 Calories – 441 grams of carbohydrates.


The typical American Diet contains about 49% carbohydrates. According to information released by The Food and Agriculture Organization in 2018, Americans currently eat an average of just over 3,600 calories a day. Therefore a typical American who eats a diet that contains 49% carbohydrates, is consuming a whopping 441 grams of carbohydrates a day. The 3,600 calories consumed by the average American is 28 to 39% higher than the USDA recommended daily amount of calories needed depending on your activity level.



USDA Recommended Diet (45 – 65% carbohydrates)


2200 Calories (45% carbs) – 248 grams of carbohydrates.

2200 Calories (65% carbs) – 358 grams of carbohydrates.


2400 Calories (45% carbs) – 270 grams of carbohydrates.

2400 Calories (65% carbs) – 390 grams of carbohydrates.


2600 Calories (45% carbs) – 293 grams of carbohydrates.

2600 Calories (65% carbs) – 423 grams of carbohydrates.


So let's look at the 2015 – 2020 USDA dietary guidelines for a 56 year old male. These guidelines state that Americans should eat a diet in which 45 – 65% of the total energy comes from carbohydrates. For a male of my age, If I consumed the USDA recommended 2,400 calories, at their specific recommended range of 45 – 65% carbs. I would be eating 270 to 390 grams of carbohydrates as day. For a type 2 diabetic or someone suffering from metabolic syndrome this is not acceptable. This is of course not a diet recommended for someone suffering from type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome. So far now, I am going to give the USDA a pass, and I will get back to their recommendations later.


Now, the dietary guidelines that many of you may recognize are those proposed by the American Diabetic Association (ADA). Until some time last year, the ADA recommended two specific diets for diabetic patients. The 1,800 calorie diet and the 2,000 calorie ADA diet. I want to talk about these two guidelines because they are still used by many hospitals, clinics, and physicians. I can tell you from personal experience that both of these dietary recommendations are promoted in both the hospital setting, and my personal endocrinologist's office.



American Diabetic Diet (43 – 54% carbohydrates)


1800 Calories – 195 to 243 grams of carbohydrates.

2000 Calories – 230 to 270 grams of carbohydrates.


For this episode, I went out and downloaded a the ADA dietary guidelines from a few different sources. You can of course find the links to all of these sources in the show notes at www.ketoconfidential.net.

What you will find, if you did not already know already is that the recommended 1,800 calorie American Diabetic Diet contains 195 to 243 grams carbohydrates per day. The 2,000 calorie ADA diets contains about 230 to 270 grams of carbohydrates per day. To put that into perspective, 43 – 54% of the energy supplied in the ADA recommended diets comes from carbohydrates. If you place the USDA guidelines for a non-diabetic patient next to the ADA guidelines for a diabetic patient, other than the number calories consumed, the percentages of energy supplied from carbohydrates is very similar.


What this means for type 2 diabetics like you and I, is that as long as you eat a diet that is high in carbohydrates, you will never get off your insulin or oral diabetic medications. If you continue to follow the ADA diet, you will never be able to reduce your Hgb A1c to normal levels, and you will never be able to reverse your type 2 diabetes. In short, the only sure way to reverse your type 2 diabetes without barbaric surgery is to adopt a ketogenic lifestyle. I will be going more in depth into this topic in a future episode titled “Why the ADA diet is Killing You”, but I wanted you to see how carb centric the ADA recommendations are. If you want to look further into any of these eating plans, you can find complete episodes regarding an in depth look at each on my website at www.ketoconfidential.net.



So far we have examined the Banting diet, the Atkins diet, the LCHF diet, and the paleo diet. All of which promote weight loss in a slightly different way. The important thing to take away from these diets is that they all share the same basic concepts. 1) Sugar and starchy foods are making us sick, 2) Low-fat high carbohydrate diets do not promote weight loss. 3) Counting calories is one of the least effective way of maintaining weight loss.



Sugar And Starchy Foods


Our ancestors did not eat diets that were high in refined sugar or processed starches such as white flour. The human body is an amazing biologic machine that can adapt to just about any environment and eating regimen. Having said that, just because we can eat just about any type of food, that doesn't mean that eating anything that we want is good for us. This is especially true of refined sugars and starches such as cereals and refined flours. While adaptive, our bodies are not designed to eat modern convenience foods that are loaded with refined sugar and starches. The modern diet that contains foods that are low-fat, highly refined sugars, and processed flours and starchy vegetables has led to an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease that is killing hundreds of thousands of people everyday world wide.


Most people do not realize that common white table sugar actually contains equal amounts of both glucose and fructose. Of the two, fructose is the by far the worst type of carbohydrate that you can eat. What makes this statement even more problematic is, fructose was the type of sugar that the food industry adopted during the 1980's as their primary sweetener of choice. A sweetener they promoted as being safe and good for us. Developed from corn, you may know this form of fructose by the name 'high fructose corn syrup' (HFCS). Dr. Cordain writes “HFCS can make a bad situation worse. Fructose powerfully promotes insulin resistance. It is added to almost every processed food imaginable; we get most of it from soft drinks, sweets, and baked items...The best approach is to stay away from these foods.”


Regarding sugar consumption:

Dr. Enfeldt writes “One thing is clear; if you want to improve only one thing in your diet, you should stop eating sugar. There is probably nothing else that could improve your health more easily.”


Dr Atkins writes “Sugar has no nutritional value, and is directly harmful to your health. Despite attempts to defend it, there are studies that clearly show how harmful, and deadly in the case of diabetics, it effects can be”.


When explaining the causes of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, Dr. Phinney writes “The culprit is our excessive intake of insulin stimulating dietary carbohydrates, especially simple sugars and refined starches”.


If sugar was so bad for us, then why do we continue to eat it everyday? Maybe a better question is why do we want and or crave sugar? Gary Taubes writes “Sugar does include the same responses in the brain known as the reward center as does nicotine, cocaine, heroin, and alcohol. Sugar stimulates the release of the same neurotransmitters – dopamine – in particular – through which the potent effects of the other drugs are mediated”. Essentially, the effects of sugar follow the same neurological pathways in the brain as nicotine, cocaine, heroin and alcohol. Like these most of these drugs, sugar has been refined and processed into a concentrated form that allows us to eat large quantities rather quickly so that it stimulates the pleasure center of the brain encouraging us to eat more sugar. Hence the term “sugar rush” that we so often associate with the ingestion of large amounts of sugary liquids such as fruit juices and soft drinks. This is why many people feel intense sugar cravings when sugar is abruptly withdrawn from their diet.



Low-Fat Diets Do Not Promote Weight Loss


In the 1980's, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at the request of the medical and research communities declared that high fat diets lead to cardiovascular disease and obesity. Therefore every American should adopt a low fat diet in order to lower our risk for cardiovascular disease. What happened next was unthinkable. Food manufacturers quickly shifted to making low fat highly processed foods that were not only cheaper to make, but were loaded with carbohydrates made from refined sugars and processed flours. The results of these dietary changes is that over the next thirty years Americans did not become thinner or healthier, we actually became more obese. Prior to 1980, the average rate of obesity in the United States was about 13 – 15%, by 2010 that number had skyrocketed to 30 – 35%. The driving force behind this increase in obesity was of course the shift from lower carbohydrate, moderate healthy fat foods to high carbohydrate, low fat foods that contained large amounts of sugar, refined flours, and unhealthy fats.


In 2004, Harvard published a study in which a couple of hundred women afflicted with heart disease were placed on a low-fat. Before the start of this three year study, their coronary vessels were x-rayed to determine the amount of plaque or coronary occlusion that was present. They repeated the x-rays three years later when the study was complete to see whether or not the blood vessels had become more or less occluded. The results were shocking, the less saturated fat they ate, the more clogged their arteries became. The fewer carbohydrates the women ate, the more healthier their arteries became.


Also In 2004 Dr. Jeff Volek conducted a series of experiments comparing the low-fat diets with low carbohydrate diets to determine which diet was more effective in reducing weight in obese patients. While women experienced greater fat loss on the low carb diet than on a low fat diet, Men lost a significantly more amount of fat, even when they increased the total number of calories consumed on a daily basis.


In 2008, an Israeli study conducted by Dr. Iris Shai demonstrated that participants on a low carbohydrate diet, lost more weight and had better cholesterol levels after two years than those participants who ate a low-fat diet. Like the Harvard study, the participants had their coronary vessels measured via ultrasound. What they found was that the participants that followed a low-carbohydrate diet lost more weight, improved their cholesterol, and the build up of plaque in their coronary arteries decreased while they were on a low carbohydrate diet.


Dr. Eenfeldt writes “Pigs are similar to humans. In the 1960's people wanted a fatty Christmas ham, so the farmers raised pigs on potatoes and breadcrumbs. Now people want a lean Christmas ham, so the pigs are fed corn oil to make them thin. Ironically, the pigs became fat by eating low-fat food. But the people who ate the fatty ham became thin”.


So what happened to the low-fat diet that was supposed to make us more healthy? To put it in simple terms, it did not work. Americans decreased their fat intake, and in doing so increased the amount of sugars and starches in our diets and we became fatter and less healthy. What the research has shown is that healthy fat does not make you fat or increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. Rather the primary cause of these diseases has been scientifically linked to high carbohydrate consumption. In short, low-fat high carbohydrate foods not only increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, but lead to both obesity and diabetes.



Counting Calories Is One Of The Least Effective Ways Of Losing Weight.


Everyone in the low carb community knows who Ancel Keyes is, and just in case you do not, he is the guy who pushed the concept that fat makes you fat as well as increasing your risk for cardiovascular disease. He is of course one of the major “villains” if you will, of the American diet experience. Few people however know that Keyes performed a series of starvation studies back in the late 1940's to determine if you could effectively lose weight by restricting the number of calories you eat each day.


The theory was that if you cut back on your calorie intake by only 100 calories a day for 365 days you would decrease your caloric intake by 35,600 calories over a year which would be equal to a 10 pound weight loss. That however is not what happened...


The Minnesota Starvation Study as it was known (1944-45), was designed to mimic the effects of famine after a world crisis. This study was undertaken just as the second world war was coming to a close and it was predicted that there would be large amounts of famine across Europe and many other parts of the world. In theory, the results from this study would help post war aid organizations determine an effective plan to combat mass starvation or semi-starvation after the war.


According to the article 'Nutrition In the United States, 1900 - 1974' conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1974, American citizens consumed about 3,320 calories a day in 1942. Keyes and his associates began their experiment with a 12-week control period, in which the men were fed approximately 3,200 calories a day, a diet consistent with the current American diet. After six months, the subjects were placed on a caloric restriction of 1,600 calories a day for six months. And then they were finally allowed to eat anything they wanted during the last 12 weeks.


On average, then men lost about 25% of their body weight when calories were reduced to 1,600 per day, and their basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreased by 40% causing them to eventually plateau during the experiment. After a few months of re-feeding, the men on average gained back all of their original weight plus 10%. Just in case you are curious, Jenny Craig limits you to 1,200 – 2,300 calories a day, depending of gender, age, and estimated weight loss goals, with the average being about 1,600 calories a day. The American Diabetic Association (ADA) has recently changed some of it's recommended guidelines, but in the hospital we still restrict patients to two specific previously recommended diabetic diets. Either the 1,800 calorie or 2,000 calories ADA recommended diets. BTW, Weight Watchers changed to a point system, with each point being equal to about 50 calories, but their caloric restrictions are still somewhere around 1,500 – 2,000 calories a day. Which makes them all fall very close to the starvation diet as used by Ancel Keyes in the 1940's.


While the Atkins, Banting 2.0, LCHF, and Paleo diets approach weight loss and the idea of ketosis from a slightly different perspective, the one thing that all of these programs agree upon is that counting and or restricting calories is one of the least effective ways to lose weight. Banting wrote “I have stated the quantities of my own diet because it was part of a truthful report, but some correspondents have doubted whether it should be more or less in their own cases, a doubt which would be better solved by their own appetite.” Banting goes on to clarify in another paragraph “I can now confidently say that the quantity of the diet may be safely left to the natural appetite.” In other words, only eat when you are hungry.


A hundred years later in 1972, Dr. Atkins wrote “though you are encouraged to eat anytime you are hungry on this diet, you are also encouraged not to eat unless you are hungry.” He reinforces this concept in his first three of the nine diet revolution rules which include “1) don't count calories, 2) eat as much of the allowed foods as you need to avoid hunger, and 3) don't eat when you are not hungry.”


Dr. Eenfeldt writes “Calorie counting generally fails in scientific studies, and it rarely has any long term effect on weight.” When asked if you can really eat unlimited amounts of low-carbohydrate foods, he replies “Yes for most people this works well. That means their appetite works and they automatically eat just enough by following their feelings of hunger and satisfaction.”


When asked about the number of calories you should eat when on the Banting Diet 2.0, in his 'Ask The Professor Podcast' Dr. Noakes stated “Eat to hunger. Eat only when you are hungry – don’t sit down to eat 3 meals a day. You don’t need that ever”.


So as you can see there is one underlying theme here. Eat until you are no longer hungry. If you only eat when you are hungry, then you will never eat more calories than your body needs. This may seem somewhat simple, but it actually works. The key to successfully following this concept is to think about why your are eating. Are you really hungry, or are you just eating out of habit? If you are hungry, then eat, if you are not then don't eat. This was really hard for me when I first started on a ketogenic diet because like you, I have been told throughout my life that I need to eat three meals a day.


My brain and my body have been programmed to eat on a specified feeding schedule. I ate simply because it was “dinner time” not because I was hungry. So the next time you get ready to eat a fat bomb, grab a piece of beef jerky, or have a low-carbohydrate meal, ask yourself am I hungry? If so eat, if not get on with your life and do something else. Remember one of the most successful keys to losing weight on a ketogenic diet is to only eat when you are hungry, if you are not hungry, then do not eat.


So remember 1) Sugar and high carbohydrate starchy foods lead to obesity, diabetes and increase your risk for cardiovascular disease, 2) Current research has proven that low-fat diets do not promote weight loss, and 3) Counting calories does not promote weight loss. For more information regarding this post cast you can check out the show notes on our website at www.ketoconfidential/the-LCHF-diet- roundup.



You've Got Mail


I received an email from Jeffrey who writes “I started a low carb diet 2 weeks ago after reading 'Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution'. I have eliminated all sugars and obvious starches from my diet but am having trouble getting into ketosis and am disappointed in my weight loss so far – only 3 pounds. I am 6 feet tall, 250 pounds, so I want to lose about 65 pounds. I am in the medical field and work 12 hour night shifts in the ER, so it is hard for me to meal plan at night. I have been eating 1 Atkins meal bar, and 1 Atkins snack bar per shift but suspect the total carbs are keeping me put of ketosis. I eat no sugars, breads, or potatoes. Should I eat nuts for snacks at night instead of the low carb bars? PS: I enjoy the podcast”.


Before I forget Jeffrey, thanks for the email. Your email really stuck a cord with me as your situation and mine are very similar. We were both around the 250 pound mark when we started eating keto, and we both work 12 hour shifts, so I can really relate to your situation. So first off, do not be discouraged by your slow start, we are all different and it may take you a little longer to get into ketosis. Kep in mind that although you have been eating keto for a few weeks, it can take as long as six weeks to become fully fat adapted. Once you become fully fat adapted then you will begin to really start dropping the pounds.


As for the Atkins bars. These would not be my first choice as a snack or a meal replacement for a couple of reasons. First, they generally contain more carbohydrates than they advertise. Almost all of these bars contain sugar alcohols which Atkins subtracts from the total amount of carbs along with the fiber to get net carbs. The problem is sugars alcohols can impact your blood glucose levels which can cause your insulin to spike which slows your weight loss. Second, the Atkins bars tend to be low fat so they do not have a great deal of satiating power. This is important because fat makes you feel full and helps to keep curb your appetite. When I first started keto, I used the Atkins and Elevation bars a snacks or rewards until I found out that they did not curb my hunger or my cravings.


Higher fat options such as pre-cooked bacon, nuts, olives, sliced cheese, and even hard salami are better choices as they have a higher fat content which satiates you. If I am short on time, I even make what we call “meat roll ups” which consist of a slice of good deli style roast beef with a slice of Swiss cheese placed on top and rolled up like a fruit roll-up. Four of these will fit in a zip lock type snack bag, and contain 340 calories, 22 grams fat, 29 grams protein, and 1 carbohydrate. If feel like you need more fat, than double up on the cheese, or simply just take some sliced cheese. These may not be the best keto options, but they are definitely better than the Atkins or Elevation bars.


I know from our email conversations you mentioned you like coffee. Another good way to get your fat in is by taking heavy cream to work. I carry a small plastic container that holds 5 tablespoons of heavy cream which is 25 grams of fat and use it when I make myself a 20 ounce mid morning coffee. If you like flavored creamers you can find recipes on how to make you own flavored coffee creamers by visiting our website www.ketoconfidential.net and clicking on the link in the show notes Anyway, Jeffrey, I hope you find these suggestions helpful,and thanks again for listening.





Recipe Of The Episode



If a few of our earlier episodes I mentioned that we eat a lot of chicken, and one of my favorite recipes is chicken deep fat fried in lard without any coating and then lightly brushed with butter and seasoned with salt and pepper. However I chose to include my oven baked 'Ketofied Shake & Bake' as the recipe of the week. Well my wife pointed out that after talking about how much we love fried chicken, that not including that recipe in the episode was kind of a tease. So guys, this week we will be talking about how me make our version of 'Butter Bob's' fried chicken.


In case you did not know who he is Bob Briggs, better known as 'Butter Bob' is a guy who went on a ketogenic diet and lost more than 145 pounds. In fact, his first video “Butter Makes Your Pants Fall Off” has been viewed more than 1 million times on Youtube. One of his later videos “Frying Chicken In Lard” which has over 200,000 views was the inspiration for this recipe. I say inspiration, because we fry our chicken just a little different. For this recipe you are going to need.


2 to 4 pounds chicken cut into pieces, we prefer thighs, leave the skin on.

2 quarts of lard, or beef tallow

3 to 4 tablespoons butter

1 electric skillet


While Butter Bob fries his chicken in a cast iron skillet, I find that it is easier to regulate the temperature by using my rival electric skillet. Start by adding 2 quarts of lard or beef tallow to your electric. You only want enough lard in the skillet so that when it is melted it only comes halfway up the side of the skillet. So if you have a smaller skillet that my you may need less lard. Set the temperature of the electric skillet for 350 degrees.


While the oil is heating up, trim the chicken as necessary and pat dry. Once the oil is hot, place three to four pieces of the chicken in the electric skillet skin down. Place the lid on the skillet and set the timer for 16 minutes. When the timer goes off, flip the chicken and cook for another 16 minutes. Once you have flipped the chicken, you want to melt the butter in your microwave. Once the butter is melted you can add a bit of salt and garlic powder to the butter.


Once the timer goes off for the second time, remove the chicken from the electric skillet and place it on a plate with a paper towel to absorb the oil and brush the chicken with the garlic butter mixture and then season with salt and pepper. Make sure you butter and season both sides of the fried chicken. Repeat this process as many times as necessary to cook all of the chicken. That's all there is to this recipe. A simple and delicious fried chicken recipe that contains no carbohydrates, but has a great crispy crunchy skin smothered in butter and seasoned with salt and pepper.


If you do not have an electric skillet you can fry the chicken in a cast iron skillet using the same process, or you can go and check out 'Butter Bobs' original video “Frying Chicken In Lard” by visiting our website at www.ketoconfidential.net and clicking on the link in the show notes.



The End



If you enjoyed this episode of the Keto Confidential podcast podcast and have found this content useful, then please subscribe, take a few seconds to rate this episode, and write a quick review about it so that others may benefit from this information. If you know someone that is struggling with obesity. type 2 diabetes, or both please share this podcast with them so that together we can help them overcome their struggles. Once again, I would like to thank you for listening. So until next time, be safe, and stay keto strong my friends.




Banting, William. Letter On Corpulence. London: Haerison. 1863


Bobrow, Robert, M.D. Why Low-Fat Diets Make you Fat (And Unhealthy). Huffington Post, December 6, 2017.


Cordain, Loren, Ph.D. The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2011.


Dietary Guidelines For Americans 2015-2020 Eighth Edition, United States Department of Agriculture, DietaryGuidelines.gov, Accessed September 18, 2018.


Eenfeldt, Andreas, M.D. (2014). Low Carb, High Fat Food Revolution: Advice And Recipes To Improve Your Health And Reduce Your Weight. Skyhorse Publishing.


Gedney, Larissa, RD. List of 1800 ADA Diet for Diabetics, SFGate Healthy Eating, December 22, 2017.


Gould, Skye. 6 Charts That Show How Much More Americans Eat Than They Used To, Business Insider, May 10, 2017.


Harcombe, Zoe, Ph.D. The Minnesota Starvation Experiment, December 3, 2009.


Meal Planning Guide 1800 Calories. The University of Michigan Comprehensive Diabetic Center. Accessed September 1, 2018.


Miller, Kelsey. The Starvation Study That Changed The World, Diet & Nutrition, July 11, 2016.


Moninger, Jeannette, Ratini, Melinda DO, MS, Jenny Craig, WebMD, February 9, 2018.


Phinney, Stephen M.D., Volek, Jeff, Ph.D. (2011). The Art And Science Of Low Carbohydrate Living. Beyond Obesity LLC.


Phinney, Stephen M.D., Volek, Jeff, Ph.D. (2011). The Art And Science Of Low Carbohydrate Performance. Beyond Obesity LLC.


Renee, Janet, MS, RD. The Average Calorie Intake By A Human Per Day Versus The Recommendation. SFGate, March 15, 2018. Accessed September 03, 2018.


Taubes, Gary. The Case Against Sugar. Knopf, New York, 2016.


Volek JS, et al. Comparison of energy-restricted very low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on weight loss and body composition in overweight men and women. Nutrition & Metabolism, 2004.




Check out this episode!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

KCP006 - The Paleo Diet

Episode 6: Dr. Loren Cordain's Paleo Diet.

For complete show notes, including all the references and associated links click on the following link Keto Confidential (Episode KCP006) to go to our website.

The Paleo Ground Rules:

  1. All the lean meats, fish, and seafood you can eat.
  2. All the fruits and non-starchy vegetables you can eat.
  3. No cereals
  4. No legumes
  5. No dairy products
  6. No processed foods

Approved Paleo Snack Foods:

  1. Fresh fruit of any kind.
  2. Homemade beef jerky (without salt).
  3. Homemade dried salmon strips (without salt)
  4. Raw vegetables: carrots, celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, broccoli, cucumbers, cauliflower (with homemade guacamole or salsa dip).
  5. Cold skinless broiled chicken.
  6. Avocado or tomato slices.
  7. Nuts: almonds, pecans, walnuts, filberts (limit to 4 ounces a day if you are trying to lose weight)
  8. Dried fruit (limit to 2 ounces a day).
  9. Hard-boiled egg.
  10. Cold slices of lean beef.
  11. Peel and eat shrimp.
  12. Unsalted sunflower sunflower seeds (limit to 4 ounces a day if you are trying to lose weight).

Cordain's Seven Keys To A Paleo Diet:

  1. Eat a relatively high amount of animal protein to the typical American diet.
  2. Eat fewer carbohydrates than most modern diets recommended, but eat lots of good carbohydrates – from fruits and vegetables, nit from grains, starchy tubers,and refined sugars.
  3. Eat a large amount of fiber from non-starchy fruits and vegetables.
  4. Eat a moderate amount of fat, with good (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) fats than bad (trans and certian saturated) fat, and nearly equal amounts of omega 3 and omega 6 fats.
  5. Eat foods with a high potassium content and a low sodium content.
  6. Eat a diet with a net alkaline load.
  7. Eat foods rich in plant phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.



Audette, Ray, Gilchrist Troy. Neanderthin: A Caveman's Guide to Nutrition, Paleolithic Press, Dallas, TX, 1996.

Cordain, Loren, Ph.D. The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. 2011.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2018